School Initiative


Contribute to developing sustainable vegetable gardens in primary schools from underprivileged communities in Durban, South Africa.



  1. Integrate permaculture principles into the extra curriculum and school environment to promote environmental stewardship and sustainability.
  2. Improve students’ understanding of ecological systems and their role in creating regenerative landscapes.
  3. Foster hands-on learning experiences that empower students to design and implement permaculture projects within the school grounds.
  4. Enhance food security and nutrition by establishing productive permaculture gardens and orchards on school premises.
  5. Engage students, teachers, parents, and the wider community in collaborative efforts to implement and maintain permaculture initiatives.


  1. Practical Application:
    Provide students with hands-on learning experiences by establishing permaculture demonstration sites, composting facilities, rainwater harvesting systems, and organic gardens within the school grounds.
  2. Student-Led Projects:
    Empower students to take ownership of permaculture projects by encouraging them to design, plan, and implement initiatives such as food forests, pollinator gardens, and wildlife habitats.
  3. Community Engagement:
    Facilitate partnerships with local permaculture experts, organizations, and businesses to provide mentorship, resources, and support for school-based permaculture initiatives. Encourage involvement from parents, volunteers, and community members in project planning, implementation, and maintenance.
  4. Capacity Building:
    Offer professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their understanding of permaculture principles and pedagogical approaches for integrating permaculture into the curriculum.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of permaculture initiatives in achieving educational, environmental, and social objectives. Collect feedback from stakeholders to inform programmatic improvements and adjustments.
  6. Sustainability Plan:
    Develop a sustainability plan to ensure the long-term viability and impact of permaculture initiatives within the school. This may include strategies for securing funding, building institutional support, and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and innovation.


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