Just a few dudes who want to do good. We believe that regenerating soil and rebuilding ecosystems is important. So that is what we do.

Why we build soil

All of the life on our planet depends on the soil.  As The Permaculture Project, we believe protecting our ecosystems will contribute to solving two major global issues: climate change and the imminent food crisis.

Why sustainability

Sustainability is about minimising waste and creating systems that continuously improve over time. That is what Permaculture is all about. Creating food systems that stand a chance to last forever.

The term “Permaculture” was coined by Bill Mollison. It is a combination of Permanent and Agriculture. “Perma” means permanent, culture refers to the naturally occurring relationship nature has with itself. Permaculture is a sustainable practice of using nature to care for nature. 

Why now

If we don’t act now we will continue to destroy our environment. We depend on intricate natural systems for survival. As The Permaculture Project, our focus is the soil. Regenerating soil for better crops and a better tomorrow. 

The Permaculture Project

[email protected]

Our Hours

Monday – Friday: 7am – 4pm

Saturday: 8am – 2pm